Junior Church

Junior Church meets at St Mary's during the 10am Sunday Eucharist and at 11.15am in Christ Church. There are lots of activities for children during our main Sunday Eucharist.

Children meet in church in time for the beginning of the Eucharist and we join the congregation for a short prayer. The children and leaders go with the children to Church House (St Mary's) or to the Parish Centre (Christ Church) for fun activities relating to the themes of the Church year and the readings for the day.  The children then return to church at communion, and they tell the congregation what they have learned and display their work just before the notices.

All children may be accompanied by an adult if they wish. 

There are many other opportunities for children at St Mary's and at Christ Church, for example serving at the Altar, or singing in the Junior Choir (St Mary's). 

We welcome all to our church and want young families to feel comfortable in our churches (and not to worry about making a noise!). There are toys and books for smaller children to play during the service. 

We look forward to seeing you.



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