St Mary's Choir

The Choir of Hendon St Mary sings at the morning and evening services every Sunday at St Mary's, as well as  on major festivals. We also undertake tours hold concerts throughout the year. Our repertoire is wide - everything from the Middle Ages to the present-day. The choir has a growing junior section of children aged from seven to 14, who sing on Sunday mornings. We meet for rehearsal in St Mary's on Tuesdays (Junior Choir: 6.30-7.15pm; Adults 7.30-9pm) and are always eager to welcome new members of all ages. There is no audition, but enthusiasm is essential. Please contact Richard Morrison (07770 381928 or for more details.







lent concert 31-3-19

November 2018 

March 2018



Choir Festival June 2017



Previous Choir Festivals


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