Our Vision


As a church that has been in Hendon for over 1000 years, witnessing to Jesus, we still want to communicate the Gospel more effectively using the opportunities that have been given to us and the skills we share. We will be more confident in speaking and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in sharing the story of our faith with others.


We are very aware of the poverty around us in Hendon and the fact that our city can be a lonely place to live in. We want to be a welcoming home for all as we seek to serve our wider community. We will be more compassionate in serving our community with the love of God the Father as we strive to strengthen what we are already doing and as we seek out new initiatives.


As a vibrant community we want to engage more creatively with those who need to hear the message of God’s love. We want to engage with culture so as to share our faith in different ways whether it be through music, art, or drama. We seek to grow our community, especially through our work with young people. We will be more creative in reaching new people and places with the Good News in the power of the Spirit. 



Capital Vision 2020 

Generous God,
you have called us to be salt and light in this great city; guide us by your Holy Spirit
to discern your will for your Church
as we seek to follow your Son Jesus Christ
in loving and serving our neighbours.
Give us the wisdom and strength
to fulfil the vision you put before us
and help us to play our part in
transforming our earthly city into
a sign of the Heavenly Jerusalem
where you live and reign, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen. 

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