Finding a new Vicar

Finding a new Vicar

With Fr Gwyn retiring the Chuchwardens  with support from Bishop Robert, and Archdeacon John,  have drafted a programme for the process of advertising and selecting a new vicar. It is : 

  • · Sunday 9th September at 12 noon - at St Mary's Parish brainstorming session to discuss the Parish Profile . All Welcome
  • ·  Monday 10th September at 8pm - PCC               Unconscious Bias Training session
  • · Thursday 13th September at 8pm- PCC ‘Section 11’ meeting, to agree Parish approach to the Diocese for the selection process for a new Incumbent.
  • · Thursday 27th September at 8pm - PCC meeting at which the Parish profile document will be finalised
  • · Thursday 4th October at 8pm - PCC ‘Section 12’ meeting with Bishop Robert 
  • · After which it is planned to place an advert in the Church Times and Diocesan website and social media.
  • · 19th November, Applications close
  • · 26th November  Shortlisting of candidates  
  • · Wednesday 12th December - Meet the shortlisted candidates in the parish.  More details to follow.      All Welcome  
  • · Thursday 13th December - Interviews and appointment by a Committee of  Bishop, Archdeacon and Area Dean with 2 Parish Representatives. 

These and any subsequent dates to induct a new vicar could, necessarily, be subject to change.

Please raise any queries and questions with Churchwardens, PCC members or  via the Parish Office .

                                                                                                                                                           The Churchwardens 

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