Advent - Christmas - Epiphany

We have had such a busy time over Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany at St Mary's and Christ Church. Having started advent off with a beautiful Advent Carol service sung by the choir, then followed by our very popular Christingle service (even though it was snowing outside!), Christmas Carol Service with over 300 people in church, and then all our Christmas services. It has been a blessed time for us in Hendon. 

Kids' Café has started back this term and put on their Epiphany play "Baboushka". Baboushka is a Russian tale about a lady who is visited by three kings on there way to seek out a child born to be a king. Baboushka, a compulsive cleaner (!), wants to go and see this baby king too, but decidedes to follow the kings after she has finished tidying and cleaning her house. Baboushka, after many trials along the way, finds herself in the stable where Jesus was born. Sadly, she is too late and the holy family have gone. Baboushka decides to go on searching for the Christ Child and so wishes to see him to bring him a gift. It was a lovely play and we were grateful to many people who came along from church and school. 

We end our season of Christmas with our celebration of Candlemas on Sunday 28 January with the Blessing of Candles, Procession, and Solemn Eucharist at both 10am in St Mary's and 11.15am at Christ Church. There will be an 8am BCP service of Holy Communion where the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be commemorated and Solemn Choral Evensong at 6.30pm at St Mary's.

Thank you to all who helped and visited us over the Christmas season. May God's blessing be with you all at the begining of this new year. 

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